Wednesday 16 June 2010

Orkney Islands

I love Scotland. It is absolutely beautiful. The past few days have been spent mostly on the bus popping off now and then. It's actually really fun though and we have seen so much. So far we have been to Edinburgh, Inverness, the Orkney Islands, and Nairn. Tomorrow we are seeing Loch Ness and going to Oban. The Orkney Islands were really fun. They are off the farthest tip of Scotland so we were parallel with Norway. At midnight when we were crawling into bed it was still really light out. There are 7 islands all together there are only 20,000 people. It is mostly farmland with lots and lots of sheep. It's really pretty though and it's so fun to see the farm land stretching right up to the beach. On the islands we saw these standing stones and they are over 5000 years old. They were incredible. We have also saw a village that had only been uncovered 30 years ago. They were also 5000 years ago. I'll update more and send out pictures later, but I'm exhausted and going to bed!

I am also trying to plan out my trip after I leave Ireland. I am going to Switzerland for a week and then going to Spain. I am going to meet up with two of my friends from this trip and I'm going to stay with them in Barcelona. We are also going to try and go to France, Portugal, and Madrid. We are a pro at staying hostels now so we will probably do that. They are super cheap, only about 14 pounds a night. Last night our hotel was so sketch our individual rooms did not even have locks on the doors. It was ok though because we were on the Orkney islands and it's really safe.

Anyways, good bye everyone! Miss you!

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