Sunday 6 June 2010

London, England

Hello everyone!

This is going to be a short update just to let you all know I have arrived safely in London! I love it here so far. Yesterday we arrived at our hotel around 1p and after showering and getting settled in, Diana, Dani and I decided to go out exploring. We first went to Piccadilly Circus where we found a little diner on a side street. Because it was so cheap we were a little unsure about how it would be, but because we were starving we decided to give it a shot. It was actually quite delicious and they even had salad with salad dressing!! I had not realized how much I had missed good vegetables with dressing. Afterwards we walked about 15 minutes to Buckingham Palace where we took so pictures and just looked around. Then we wandered into St. James Park where I had the best ice cream cone ever... instead of just placing the two scoops on top of one another there was a spot for each scoop but it was connected into one cone! We wandered through the park and it was really pretty, despite the numerous birds and squirrels that walked right up to us. Then we just walked around and wound up being at Big Ben, West Minster Abbey, and this "Democracy Village". The village was really cool, it was a bunch of tents set up in a park protesting the war and violence, etc. I talked to a guy who was there and he said that they were currently being evicted because it made the queen look bad, but he said it was up to 8 weeks. I wish that I could have participated! I thought it was great what they were doing. After the peace rally (and about 15 minutes of attempting to cross the street) we hopped a bus that took us back to our hotel.

Today we had a bus tour for a little over three hours. It wasn't bad though because we got to get off in certain places and take pictures. We also saw the Changing of the Guard which was awesome! Now we are sitting in this little pub where we can get wifi. Later we are going out for my friends birthday. And my 21st birthday is in 2 days!!

Love and miss you all.

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