Friday 9 July 2010

Salamanca, Spain!

I have been in Spain for 4 days now and I absolutely love it!  Granted it has been over 90 degrees every day and the heat can be really oppressive, but it's still totally worth it.  Besides, rumor has it that it is that hot back in Maine so I really can't complain.  Anyways, I'll update you from when I last wrote in Switzerland.  Unfortunately I became pretty sick soon after I wrote that post, but not before having a great day in Germany!  Marc and I took the train to Konstanz, Germany where I of course had my picture taken standing in two countries at once!  We then wandered a bit around the lake before having some sushi.  It may sound weird to eat Sushi in Switzerland but it was actually quite delicious.  Then we walked around the town.  It was pretty small but quite pretty with some really nice churches.  After that we returned to his house where we just hung around for a bit.  The next two days I became sick and so we didn't really leave the house.  The day before I left we went to the city of Zug (which really wasn't much of a city) and had a look around before heading back to hang out by the pool.  Sunday, the day I had to head to my hotel, we walked around his lake for a while to look at the cows and the magnificent view.  After that we once again just hung around by the pool and relaxed.  That night I stayed in a hotel at the Zurich airport, it was so nice!  I had a giant king sized bed all to my self which I have decided is the only way to sleep.  The next morning I got up bright and early (5a) and head to Spain!!!

I arrived in Madrid, Spain around 9:30a and met Uncle Mike at the airport.  We hung around for a bit and then caught the 11a bus to Salamanca.  We arrived there around 2p where we met up with Patricia, Pablo, and Anna. We then headed to Patricia's parents house for lunch and then a siesta.  That is something I could really get used to and I am going to try and introduce it in the states.  What a great idea-- a giant lunch and then a much deserved nap.  Here stores actually close for 3 hours or so and then open again in the evening.  It is completely understandable because of the heat.  The first evening that I arrived we just walked around Salamanca and I saw the buildings at sunset.  It truly is a beautiful city and because of the gorgeous architecture and cute cobblestone streets you hardly notice the fact that you are actually in a city.

On Tuesday I spent the morning walking around the city with Uncle Mike and then we spent the rest of the day (1:30p-7p) at the pool.  The pool has a restaurant/bar and a huge grassy area where you lie out.  Because of the heat it is a normal affair for people to hang out there and so that's what we did.  It was really nice and I got some reading done.  The next day was pretty similar with the pool again.  Except that night was the semi-finals for the world cup!!!  It was so exciting to watch the game in a Spanish bar because everyone was so excited.  I cannot wait until Sunday to watch the finals!  I will be there cheering them on with my Spain shirt!!  Thursday was another low key day, it has been so relaxing which I love.  And today was Pablo's 7th birthday!!  He is so old I can't believe it.  The first time I saw him was 6 years and 11 months ago when I went to California with Nanny and Granddad.  Tomorrow (Saturday) all of us (Patricia, Pablo, Anna, Uncle Mike, Me, and Patricia's parents) are going to Portugal for lunch, how cool is that?!  Then on Sunday we'll watch the finals for the world cup and Monday I got to Barcelona for 6 days to visit Kelsey and Diana!!!  I can't wait to see them again and go to the beach!!

I'll try to update at least once more before I come home-- 12 days! <3

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