Thursday 27 May 2010

Conwy, Wales!

    I seriously love this country so much!  We have been here two weeks to the day and it has flown by, but at the same time it has felt like we have been here forever.  These past few days have been relatively chill.  On Tuesday we got out of class early to go see Robin Hood in Liverpool, it was awesome!  I cannot wait for the sequel.  I also love that class involves going to the movies!  It was Kelsey's 21st birthday so we kicked off the celebration by having her chug a beer in the movie bathroom (they sell it at the theatre) while two of the professors cheered her on!  After that we went back to Ormskirk and got all dolled up.  It was a black dress themed dinner and so we went out to this cute little restaurant that was decorated in black and pink.  The dinner was delicious, I had duck spring rolls for an appetizer and salmon for the entrée.  After the dinner, and making sure Kelsey had her fair share of drinks, we went to Liquid Bar where they serve drinks called fishbowls.  They are essentially large bowls of fruity alcohol that are shared among multiple people, we then took her to Styles, another bar.  I left early and went back with a few people because I was tired and did not want to relapse, but I made sure to get a few cute pictures of the birthday girl!
   Wednesday I didn't really do much at all.  I did my laundry which was long over due.  How great it feels to have clean clothes!!  What a process it was, you had to practically duel for a washing machine and then the dryers took forever to work!  After that I had a movie night with a couple of girls from the trip, Diana and Dani.  We watched Dear John.  It was nice just to relax and hang out.
   Today was the best day though!  We got to go to Conwy, Wales.  Although it is pronounced "Conway" it is spelled without the "a".  We left Ormskirk at 8a and prepared for a two hour journey.  I basically slept the whole way there which was nice.  As we pulled into Wales we were immediately greeted by a large castle!  It was amazing, way better then Lancaster Castle.  I am very impressed with our bus driver.  Today he had to fit through an arch way that I'm pretty sure my subaru would barely be able to fit through.  We all cheered as we made it through the narrow walls without an accident.  Having departed from the bus we went to the castle and got to roam around as we pleased!  I spent almost two hours exploring with Dani, Diana, and Julia.  We were allowed to go just about anywhere and could take pictures everywhere so we were in heaven.  The castle seemed to stretch on and on and the view was incredible!  My fear of heights definitely kicked in but I tried to ignore it.  
   From the castle we wandered around town trying to find some breakfast/lunch.  We settled on a little cafe (I forget the name) and we wound up being very disappointed.  It was ok though because we decided since we were in Wales it did not matter that we had an insufficient meal!  After lunch we went off in search of another tourist attraction we had been told we  absolutely must see... the smallest house in Great Britain!  My professor was not lying, it was so tiny.  The last person to live in it was a 6'3'' fisherman and before him an elderly couple lived there.  It hasn't been lived in since the beginning of the 1900s when it was ruled unfit for human habitation.  When we went inside it was crazy.  There was an upstairs and a downstairs, despite the fact that it is 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide.  There was a small fireplace, coal box, and place for water downstairs and upstairs a bed and small dresser!  I cannot imagine ever living there, I was feeling cramped after 5 minutes of just looking around inside, and by looking around I mean standing and turn around in a circle.  
   After we visited the Smallest House in Great Britain we still had about an hour and a half to kill so we just wandered around Conwy.  It is a very small town so it did not take very long.  We discovered three statues and being girls we spend a good amount of time making sure we all got our pictures taken in front of them.  Then we went on to the Knight Shop.  Inside there were swords, armor, and information on your Coat of Arms.  For example: the surname Payne is derived from Norman ancestry (French) and it means a rustic countryman.  The motto for our Coat of Arms is "I would rather die then be disgraced."  Now I'm not going to lie... I think I'd rather be disgraced and live, but that's just me. 
   Anyways, after the Knight Shop we just wandered in and out of a few stores.  Three of us (me, Dani, and Diana) even got friendship bracelets.  They're just a beaded bracelet but cute.   
  Now we're back at school and tomorrow is our last day off classes before Bank Holiday!  I am really excited, I am going to York with a few people.  It is supposed to be a great city and last year it was voted best city in the UK.  We're going to spend two nights there and will be back on Monday.  Then we will have our last few classes before heading to London next Saturday!  While I do love Ormskirk, I am really excited for a city... and my birthday!!  I am 21 in 11 days I can't believe it!!  I am really sad I can't celebrate it with my friends and family back home, but I've made great new friends to celebrate it with.  And the theme I have chosen for my birthday is... jungle themed!  Leopard, zebra, or some other funky print is a must!
   I love and miss everybody back home!   Xoxo

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